Red Lodge

  • Registered: 2002
  • Registered Places: 9
  • DfE Education: Yes
  • Assessment/Therapy: Yes
  • Step Down Placements: Yes
  • Staff Ratio: 5:9

Residential Care

Red Lodge works to ensure that looked after children are provided with the help, care and support needed for them to thrive.


Our primary aim is to provide each child/young person with the necessary tools and identified support needs to aid their transition back into foster care, home or in line with their Care Plan.   
Through, monitoring, evaluation and review we will identify the support and provision required to ensure the child/young person is able to build on areas of strength and make progress in all areas of need.  Reviews and case meetings will ensure that all professionals involved with the child/young person can determine the best care/placement plan.  Red Lodge aims to empower children and young people in the decision-making process. Taking into account their wishes and feelings.
Our aim is to ensure that every young person is safe and free from harm.  That we provide individualised care to young people from a range of cultures, ethnicities and varying social, emotional or behavioural difficulties.  We aim to make certain that at the time young people leave our care that they are knowledgeable and proficient in how to manage how they feel appropriately and that they are more emotionally resilient enough to cope with life’s unexpected difficulties.   
We aim to help support the children and young people to be able to have their say, take control of their lives and be able to develop a sense of responsibility for their decisions and actions. 
Red Lodge aims to ensure all young people living within the home feel safe, relaxed and genuinely cared for.  This welcoming, homely environment encourages the children to quickly settle and express themselves more positively.  The staff team are passionate and committed in supporting each young person to achieve the academic, practical and social skills needed to thrive and develop.


The atmosphere of the home reflects a warm and open approach by all to create a facilitating environment in which the children overcome their fears and are able to engage in the process of change.  This ethos supports the staff team in understanding each individual child and being able to plan and provide a tailored care package. 

Underpinning the high level of personalised care is the significance and focus on routines, rules and boundaries for all young people.  All staff recognise that consistency in this area leads to improved outcomes for the children and enables them to better understand social norms, reflect on the impact of their behaviour and feel safe and secure.  Young people are highly praised for making positive decisions and challenged to think about the consequences of negative interactions.  Much value is placed on each child taking responsibility for their actions and support is always in place to encourage resolution and restorative work. 


The home is directly affiliated to both our DfE registered, specialist SEMH schools: The Davenport Primary School and The Old Priory Secondary School.


The respective school and the home work in close partnership to ensure continuity in respect of learning support, achieving developmental goals and behaviour management.


The Davenport School (Key Stage 2: 7-11yrs) offers a differentiated curriculum in order to meet the individual learning needs of each young person. The school operates with small group settings where children are closely supported and supervised by a qualified teacher and learning support assistants.


The Old Priory School (Key Stages 3 & 4: 11 – 16yrs) offers the national curriculum allowing for GCSE study in essential subject areas, alongside alternative, differentiated curriculums, including ASDAN and City & Guilds NPTC vocational awards, both of which lead to nationally recognised qualifications.

Assessment & Therapy

Children and young people residing in our care have access to a range of assessment and therapy services including:

  • Psychological Assessment
  • Psychotherapy
  • Systemic Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Speech & Language Therapy
  • Equine Therapy
  • Music Therapy
  • Drama Therapy
  • Art Therapy
  • Play Therapy

All therapy referrals are overseen by the organisation’s dedicated Therapy Services Manager in consultation with the allocated social worker and other key stakeholders as appropriate.


Our assessment and therapy services are an inclusive element of our residential care provision and attract no additional funding requirement.

Health Support

In addition to our therapy services and panel of consultants, each of our homes have direct access to a health promotions worker and, in the event of any significant health concerns arising, oversight from a registered, dual diagnosis nurse. This ensures effective, professional guidance in respect of health profiling, together with the immediate and ongoing health needs of each individual child and young person placed in our care.

Statement of Purpose

Red Lodge | Statement of Purpose
SC030797 - SOP - RL.pdf
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Ethelbert Children's Services -
Residential Children's Homes, Fostering and.Specialist Education
17 Leigh Road, Ramsgate, Kent CT12 5EU
Tel: 01843 823762
© Ethelbert Children's Services 2018


