
  • Registered: 2006
  • Registered Places: 4
  • DfE Education: Yes
  • Assessment/Therapy: Yes
  • Step Down Placements: Yes
  • Staff Ratio: Close Supervision

Hillview - A 'Good' Children's Home in all Areas


What Ofsted say...


"Leaders and managers make child-centred decisions about children coming to live at the home. Planning considers the needs of the children already living in the home and how the staff skills and experience will support the children.


Two children living in the home attend education. One child who has recently moved into the home is currently being enrolled at school. The staff proudly talk about the progress children make at school. When children struggle to manage in class, there is effective partnership working to support this.
The staff are very proud of the children and how they have developed since living at the home. For example, one child travels independently to college and has started to socialise with friends. This is a significant milestone for this child. Another child has created a herb garden and made some garden furniture which is proudly used in the home.
The staff ensure that children can express their views and that they are listened to about day-to-day life and decisions in the home. There are regular key-work discussions with all children that are linked to the children’s care planning and development.
The staff ensure that children attend routine health appointments and are registered with local providers when they arrive. Additionally, the staff and children are supported by the internal therapy team to ensure that children’s emotional needs are met."


Ofsted Inspection - June 2023 - Full report available by request

Residential Care

Hillview provides a stable, nurturing and safe home to children/adolescents with emotional and behavioural difficulties.  This includes young people that suffer mild to moderate learning difficulties and complex emotional needs. The home benefits from a robust, consistent and dedicated staff team that oversee the holistic care of the young people residing in the home.


Hillview aims to provide the young people with a caring a, nurturing environment that overall holds the ethos of a professional family.   The expectations and rules in the home replicate much of those experienced in a family environment.


The home works hard alongside other professionals to support and understand the children’s behaviour.  With this being the focus that enables the staff to think about the children’s behaviour and make good, appropriate informed choices in supporting their physical and emotional development.


The management and staff team focus on the building of relationships, using this first and foremost to build a foundation of mutual trust and respect.  Hillview is sited in a remote location with vast grounds and space, this enables the staff to engage the young people in the activities.  The home and grounds offer spaces such as a football pitch, pool room, gym and table tennis room.


We aim to provide the young people with a positive experience whilst growing up at Hillview, we work to build their self-esteem and self-worth and try to rehabilitate the integrity and trust of those who take on the role of primary carers.


Hillview pride themselves on the individual thought and care that goes into each case management.  The achievements are individual and diverse as with each young person and as each young person starts their placement, progress and development is monitored as we strive to meet individual care plans, these include rehabilitation to birth families, foster families or independent living.


The home is directly affiliated to both our DfE registered, specialist SEMH schools: The Davenport Primary School and The Old Priory Secondary School.


The respective school and the home work in close partnership to ensure continuity in respect of learning support, achieving developmental goals and behaviour management.


The Davenport School (Key Stage 2: 7-11yrs) offers a differentiated curriculum in order to meet the individual learning needs of each young person. The school operates with small group settings where children are closely supported and supervised by a qualified teacher and learning support assistants.


The Old Priory School (Key Stages 3 & 4: 11 – 16yrs) offers the national curriculum allowing for GCSE study in essential subject areas, alongside alternative, differentiated curriculums, including ASDAN and City & Guilds NPTC vocational awards, both of which lead to nationally recognised qualifications.

Assessment & Therapy

Children and young people residing in our care have access to a range of assessment and therapy services including:

  • Psychological Assessment
  • Psychotherapy
  • Systemic Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Speech & Language Therapy
  • Equine Therapy
  • Music Therapy
  • Drama Therapy
  • Art Therapy
  • Play Therapy

All therapy referrals are overseen by the organisation’s dedicated Therapy Services Manager in consultation with the allocated social worker and other key stakeholders as appropriate.


Our assessment and therapy services are an inclusive element of our residential care provision and attract no additional funding requirement.

Health Support

In addition to our therapy services and panel of consultants, each of our homes have direct access to a health promotions worker and, in the event of any significant health concerns arising, oversight from a registered, dual diagnosis nurse. This ensures effective, professional guidance in respect of health profiling, together with the immediate and ongoing health needs of each individual child and young person placed in our care.

Statement of Purpose

Hillview | Statement of Purpose
SC068803 - SOP - HV.pdf
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Ethelbert Children's Services -
Residential Children's Homes, Fostering and.Specialist Education
17 Leigh Road, Ramsgate, Kent CT12 5EU
Tel: 01843 823762
© Ethelbert Children's Services 2018


