The Old Priory School Team


Head Teacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead


Susan Howson

BA (Hons) Art History, PGCE, NASENCo



Senior Leadership Team


Kezia Jordan

Deputy Head and SENCo

BSC Pharmaceutical Science, HNC Chemistry, PGCE


Kaia Thompson

Deputy SENCo



Charlotte Lucas

Pastoral Manager and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead



Speech and Language Therapist


Alison Piccinini

BSc Speech Sciences

HPCP & RCSLT registered


Teaching Staff


Jonathan Bennett

Maths Teacher

MSc Theoretical Physics, PGCE Secondary Mathematics


Rebecca Hewitt

English Teacher

BA (Hons) English and American Literature and Creative Writing, SCITT


Mark Feeney

Science Teacher

BA Science, PGCE


James Adedayo

ASDAN Teacher

Dip Ed, Economics, MBA Admin


Dwayne Hosier

Vocational Tutor


Clifford Surry

Vocational Studies

NVQ 3 Caring for Children


Learning Support Assistants


Kirsty Hawkins



Ben Essien

PE Lead


Katie Smith


Samantha Clarke


Dawn McTrustery


Shane Waters


Tayla Jones


Carrie Hossen




Julie Bayley

Senior Administrator/Exam Officer


Tracey Hayes

Education Administrator




Whole School Meals


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Ethelbert Children's Services -
Residential Children's Homes, Fostering and.Specialist Education
17 Leigh Road, Ramsgate, Kent CT12 5EU
Tel: 01843 823762
© Ethelbert Children's Services 2018


